Active Life Chiropractic

4 Ways That You Can Help Your Baby’s Position During Pregnancy

Posted on June 21, 2023


Positioning a baby properly for labor is not something that can be done by an individual without proper medical training. The position of the baby during labor is determined by a variety of factors and is primarily managed by healthcare professionals such as midwives or obstetricians.

However, there are certain things you can do during pregnancy to encourage optimal fetal positioning for labor. Here are some general tips:

Stay active: Engage in regular exercise and physical activity approved by your healthcare provider. Walking, swimming, and prenatal yoga can help promote proper positioning.

Sit on a birthing ball: Sitting on a birthing ball or exercise ball can help open up the pelvis and encourage the baby to settle into a favorable position.

Avoid prolonged sitting or reclining: Sitting or reclining for long periods can restrict the baby’s movement and limit the chances of optimal positioning. Take breaks and move around frequently.

Consider optimal fetal positioning techniques: Techniques such as the “pelvic tilt,”  “spinning babies” or “prenatal chiropractic care,” may help encourage the baby to assume an optimal position. Consult with your healthcare provider or find a Webster certified chiropractor near you for guidance.

Remember, each pregnancy and labor is unique, and the baby’s position is influenced by a variety of factors. It’s important to discuss any concerns or questions you have about fetal positioning with your healthcare provider. They will be able to provide you with personalized advice and assistance based on your specific situation.

If you are looking for a Webster chiropractor in Charlotte, check out Dr. Bob Mason with Active Life Chiropractic in Ballantyne. We commonly treat prenatal patients for back pain, hip pain and sciatica. Research shows that prenatal chiropractic care (specifically using the Webster technique) can positively influence the position of the baby.

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