Low back discomfort is probably one of the most common reasons that pregnant women seek chiropractic care. Research shows 65% of all pregnant women experience low back pain in pregnancy. What most women do not realize however, is that low back discomfort is a classic indication that the mother’s pelvis may be out of alignment. In addition to the discomfort in pregnancy, this misalignment may also have an adverse affect on her function in pregnancy and birth outcome!
Misalignment of the pelvis affects her nervous system and its ability to function optimally both in pregnancy and birth. A proper functioning nervous system is crucial to her uterus in pregnancy and birth. Additionally, misalignment of her pelvis may distort her pelvic opening and directly impede her ability to have an easier birth. When a birth becomes difficult, interventions are used and they often prevent the woman from having the most natural, safest birth. Supporting her body’s own natural design with adjustments makes biomechanical sense. Finally, when the pelvis is misaligned, the ligaments that are attached to her uterus have undue tension and may pull on her uterus. This uneven pull may compromise the space her baby is in and could affect the baby’s ability to get into the best possible position for birth.
In 2014, I completed my certification program with the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association and earned my Certificate of Proficiency in the Webster Technique. This specific and gentle chiropractic analysis and adjustment works on the mother’s pelvis to achieve the optimal physiological balance in preparation for a safer, more natural birth.
Because we spend so much time sitting and our pelvic structures can be compromised at any time in pregnancy, Doctors of Chiropractic recommend that pregnant mothers receive the Webster analysis and adjustments throughout pregnancy to improve their pelvic balance. For those moms seeking a more comfortable pregnancy and a more natural birth, chiropractic adjustments using the Webster Technique are a safe and gentle approach.