Active Life Chiropractic

Chiropractic Adjustment for a 10 Month Old and a 2 Year Old

Posted on November 16, 2022


Back Story–McKenna has been having ear infections over the past few months. She has had multiple rounds of antibiotics and is scheduled for ear tube surgery. Mom and dad are hoping she will not need this procedure and began looking for alternatives to antibiotics and surgery about 4 weeks ago.

Her older brother, Cooper, has already had 1 set of ear tubes and still experiences recurring ear infections.

We are 4 weeks into our treatments and neither child has had an ear infection! If things continue to progress, neither child should require antibiotics or ear tubes in the future.

This family was referred to us by friends who have been using chiropractic as a natural treatment for ear infections.  Watch the video below to watch one of their treatments and learn how chiropractic can help reduce the frequency of ear infections.

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