Active Life Chiropractic

Common Signs of Cluster Headaches

Posted on March 1, 2018

Cluster headaches are arguably one of the most painful headache types, in some cases matching the intensity of a migraine. Here we review what constitutes a cluster headache, what some common signs are, and how chiropractic treatment can help.

What is a cluster headache?

Cluster headaches are so named because they come in clusters (or “cluster periods”) that can last weeks or months. The headaches eventually subside, going into remission for weeks, months, and sometimes years before reappearing again. It’s common for someone experiencing a cluster headache to wake up in the middle of the night feeling intense pain in or around one eye on one side of their head.

On the bright side, cluster headaches are rare. Plus they’re not life-threatening, and there are a variety of treatments (including chiropractic) that can lessen the frequency and severity of these headaches.

Common Signs

Cluster headaches often appear without warning, though in some cases sufferers experience nausea, similar to that affected by a migraine. Common signs of a cluster headache include:

  • Severe pain that begins in or around one eye, with possible expansion to other areas of the body: head, neck, face, and shoulders
  • Pain on only one side of the body
  • Eye redness on the affected side
  • Drooping eyelid
  • Pale skin or flushing in the face
  • Swelling around the eye on the affected side
  • Profuse sweating on the face and forehead
  • Stuffy/runny nose on the affected side
  • Considerable tearing in the eyes
  • General restlessness

Unlike migraine sufferers, who prefer to lay still in a quiet, dark room, people afflicted by a cluster headache tend to pace their home or sit and rock back and forth. Generally speaking, a cluster period lasts 6 -12 weeks, followed by a reprieve. It’s not uncommon for the period to be consistent in terms of length and intensity from one period to the next. Also, cluster headaches can occur seasonally, i.e. every winter.

During a cluster period, most headaches come at night, typically 1 -2 hours after falling asleep. Attacks can last 15min – 3hrs, occurring once a day or several times.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help

If you’re suffering from cluster headaches in Charlotte, Active Life Chiropractic can help. Research conducted over the last several years shows that spinal manipulation may be effective in the fight against cluster headaches.

Most cluster headaches are tied to muscle tension in the neck, which today is a problem that millions of American suffer from. Sitting in front of the TV, working long hours on a computer, and other sedentary activities can contribute to neck tension and cluster headaches. Our chiropractors can offer tips regarding work posture, general posture, relaxation techniques, and exercises that serve to alleviate tension and irritation in the neck and upper back muscles.

Nutrition can sometimes play a role in the onset of cluster headaches, and our team is qualified to provide nutritional advice, for example adding vitamins to your daily routine, and altering your diet.

And of course, we have a variety of adjustments and spinal manipulations we can conduct in order to lessen muscle tension and enhance spinal function, both of which can significantly lessen a cluster headache’s length and intensity.

Contact us today for more information and to make an appointment.

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