Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is common in varying degrees among millions of Americans. Due to the widespread use of computers and smart devices, CTS’ effects are likely felt more nowadays than at any other time in history.
How can chiropractic adjustment in Charlotte help alleviate carpal tunnel pain? Let’s explore.
What is CTS?
CTS is classified as a repetitive stress injury (RSI). In this case, the repetitive motion could be typing on a computer or any number of wide-ranging, repetitive activities: everything from working on an assembly line to knitting. The longer one engages the activity, the more likely it is that pain/injury/CTS will occur at some point.
How can chiropractic adjustment help?
For the best results, CTS must be diagnosed and treated earlier rather than later. A physical examination (and if necessary x-rays) preface the actual treatment.
The wrist, elbow, and neck are the three main areas/joints that carpal tunnel affects, and it’s here that we’ll concentrate our efforts. A partial list of treatment options includes:
- Performing recommended exercises
- Resting the afflicted elbow/wrist
- Using cold to reduce inflammation in the joints
We’ll also perform adjustments to the wrist, arm, neck, and upper spine. In the latter case, it’s proven that spinal misalignment plays a contributing factor in the onset and exacerbation of carpal tunnel syndrome. If we detect a spinal issue, our goal is to correct it so as to benefit your CTS symptoms as well as your body’s overall state of ideal natural health.
Another proven-effective chiropractic treatment is trigger-point therapy: the concept that pain in one location is associated with a trigger point somewhere else in the body. A recent study showed that when trigger points were effectively addressed in chiropractic treatment for CTS, 67% of patients saw their symptoms dissipate.
Additional Therapy Options
Along with our standard battery of chiropractic adjustments, other non-invasive therapies may be explored, such as:
Wrist supports
Wrist supports are effective post-adjustment, helping keep the wrists in the proper alignment until your next scheduled appointment. Wrist supports can also be worn once treatment is complete, helping to prevent further injury.
Ultrasound therapy is administered via a device that emits hyper-focused soundwaves capable of penetrating deep into body tissue. The benefit provided by these soundwaves is three-fold: they reduce inflammation in/around the affected area, relax the muscles, and reduce pain. Ultrasound therapy utilizes either high-energy or low-energy sound, both beyond the range of normal human hearing. So along with not feeling much during an ultrasound treatment, you won’t hear much either.
Why chiropractic treatment and not surgery?
If you’ve done any research on CTS, you probably know that surgery and anesthesia constitute traditional medicine’s most common approach to treatment. Unfortunately, this approach is not just risky and costly, it’s also not proven to permanently fix the problem, In fact, 75% of people electing for surgery saw their CTS symptoms return within two years.
Surgery focuses on the median nerve, and alleviating CTS-related pressure. However, this approach is a myopic one, considering that new research into CTS shows that it’s likely symptomatic of other problems in the body. Wrist and arm pain are in fact related to misalignment of the muscles, ligaments, and bones in the neck.
For more information regarding CTS, and to make an appointment, contact Active Life Chiropractic today.